domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Writing for next Friday

Dear Students,

This week you have to do a writing that has been taken form a real PET exam. Read the instructions and remember that you have to fulfill the task. I will collect them on Friday.

This is part of a letter you receive from an English pen friend:

"We're doing a project on life in the UK at school and I wondered if you could tell me something about a particular festival you celebrate as a family."

You are writing a letter to this pen-friend. Write the letter in about 100 words.

As it's an informal letter, you have to follow the structure of this kind of test. Here you have an example with brief explanation of each section. In this case, in the contents section you have to write about a particular festival you celebrate as a family.
Do your best. Just remind you that you have to check your spelling and grammar and take care of your presentation and calligraphy. Write every three squares to let me space to correct.

See you tomorrow!

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