sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Friday, 10th November: DICTATION

Hello everyone,

Our first dictation wan't as good as I'd have liked, but we are starting and I know you'll improve. For this week we will work on some homophones. Look especially at the highlighted words.

Happy Sunday to all!

I go to France every summer, French people speak too quickly for me to understand them completely. To become bilingual in French I need to study and practice a lot.
I have two French friends, they speak to me slow and help me with my pronunciation, they are very nice to me. Every day they teach me at least two new words. It doesn't seem too much, but I improve a lot with my two friends.
When I'm at home, every two weeks, I receive a letter from them. We keep in touch along the year, so I keep practicing.
At school I study English too, so I'll speak two foreign languages when I'm older.

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