domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Dictation for next Thursday

Hello everyone!

As we talked last Friday, we're going to start doing one preapred dictation every week, in order to improve our spelling. Here you have the first one. It's a short inverview to my sister Lucía. Please, read it carfully and slowly and pay attention to the words in bold.

INTERVIEWER: Hello, Lucía. It’s great to have you back in Spain. Where are you from?
Lucia: I’m from Madrid, but now I live in Ljubljana, Slovenian capital city.

I: How long have you been living there?
L: I’ve been living there for fifteen years.

I: What was the biggest change when you moved to live in Solvenia?
L: Well, in Madrid I used to drive my car or take the subway everywhere, but now I ride my bike every day. Ljubljana is much smaller than Madrid.

I: What is the thing that you miss the most about Spain?
L: My family, of course. I used to spend a lot of time with my sister and my friends who are very important in my life.

I: How often do you come to Spain?
L: I come whenever I can, at least twice a year. I try to come more, but it’s difficult because of my job and because there’s no direct fly to come.

I: Will you move back to Spain some day?

L: I really don’t know. I hope so, because Slovenia is very cold in winter. I might come back when I retire, I don’t know.

Have a lovely Sunday!

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