domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Writing for next Friday

Dear Students,

This week you have to do a writing that has been taken form a real PET exam. Read the instructions and remember that you have to fulfill the task. I will collect them on Friday.

This is part of a letter you receive from an English pen friend:

"We're doing a project on life in the UK at school and I wondered if you could tell me something about a particular festival you celebrate as a family."

You are writing a letter to this pen-friend. Write the letter in about 100 words.

As it's an informal letter, you have to follow the structure of this kind of test. Here you have an example with brief explanation of each section. In this case, in the contents section you have to write about a particular festival you celebrate as a family.
Do your best. Just remind you that you have to check your spelling and grammar and take care of your presentation and calligraphy. Write every three squares to let me space to correct.

See you tomorrow!

Dictation for next Thursday

Hello everyone!

As we talked last Friday, we're going to start doing one preapred dictation every week, in order to improve our spelling. Here you have the first one. It's a short inverview to my sister Lucía. Please, read it carfully and slowly and pay attention to the words in bold.

INTERVIEWER: Hello, Lucía. It’s great to have you back in Spain. Where are you from?
Lucia: I’m from Madrid, but now I live in Ljubljana, Slovenian capital city.

I: How long have you been living there?
L: I’ve been living there for fifteen years.

I: What was the biggest change when you moved to live in Solvenia?
L: Well, in Madrid I used to drive my car or take the subway everywhere, but now I ride my bike every day. Ljubljana is much smaller than Madrid.

I: What is the thing that you miss the most about Spain?
L: My family, of course. I used to spend a lot of time with my sister and my friends who are very important in my life.

I: How often do you come to Spain?
L: I come whenever I can, at least twice a year. I try to come more, but it’s difficult because of my job and because there’s no direct fly to come.

I: Will you move back to Spain some day?

L: I really don’t know. I hope so, because Slovenia is very cold in winter. I might come back when I retire, I don’t know.

Have a lovely Sunday!

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

How to correct our mistakes in our writings

Dear students,

I have realize that many of you have not corrected the mistakes you made in your compositions that have been already corrected. I will explain this again to be sure you understand what you have to do.
Whenever you see an underlined word or a sentence you have to correct below the test. You will see something written under the line to tell you what kind of mistake it is.
These are the types of mistake you will see:
G: Grammar mistake
T: You have used a wrong tense
O: Change the order of the words
S: Check your spelling
?: I don't understand the meaning

It is important that you correct them and show them to me, to be sure that you learn how to write it.

Presentation is important!

Hi everybody!

These days we are going to try to improve the presentation of our notebooks because we are already in sixth greade and the PRESENTATION IS IMPORTANT!
Here are some basic rules for us all to fulfill:
- We write every 3 squares
- We respect the margin. We do not write in the margin.
- Every day we write the date and the title if necessary.

Please, follow them in your writings, it will help me to read and understand them  :-)

Have a lovely afternoon!

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

Other tools to review European geography

Hi there!

I have found this website that can help you to study European geography:

And if you are the kind of students who has a good musical intelligence, here you have some songs that can help you when studying:
Countries of the world song_Europe
50 countries of Europe

If you have a good visual memory, and you prefer your spatial or linguistic intelligence, this video can be very useful:
Memorize European Countries in Under 5 Minutes with Mnemonics!

There is a song to lern the capitals, but remember, THIS IS NOT COMPULSORY:
ALL Countries and Capitals of Europe... IN SONG!

Have a great saturday!

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Attitude rubric

As you are responsible and older enough to understand, I want you to see the rubric I am going to use to assess your behaviour and attitude.




Behaves correctly.
Behaves well but sometimes disruptive.
Does not behave properly, but rather welcomes attention calls.
Incorrect behavior
Participates in class and cooperates spontaneously.
Participates and cooperates, but is carried away by others.
Does not participate nor cooperate, but if you insist he/she reacts.
Does not participate nor cooperate.
Brings materials and information in time.
Brings materials and information, but not regularly, sometimes forgets it.
Does not bring materials, but looks at the last minute asking peers for them or making photocopies.
Does not bring materials nor information.
Studies and does the activities and tasks.
Studies or brings the activities and tasks, but irregularly, if the topic is interesting.
Does not brings tasks nor studies, but shows an attitude of change and try to bring the activities or be voluntary.
Does not brings the activities or tasks and does not study.
Always. Shows interest asking questions about the topic.
Always. But her/his questions are not always related to the topic.
His interest is very irregular.
Does not show interest, gets distracted easily.

Notebook rubric

As I said in the English page, I will use this rubric to assess your notebook at the end of the term. Please, take care of it because is important to have a useful tool when studing.





- It contains all the tasks and class notes.
- It has all the tasks and some class notes.
- It has some notes and some class notes.
- Care sequencing.
- Marks the different parts (title, themes…).
- Respects margins.
- No smudgles.
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.
- Expresses correctly.
- Meets spelling rules.
- Responds exactly to what is asked.
- His/her handwriting is legible and neat
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.
- The notebook has a clear, orderly structure in each task.
- It is nice to see.
- Without reading the contents, it is seen that effort has been put in the presentation.
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.

English notebook_ writings and rubric

Dear students,

I just remind you that next Monday I will collect your notebooks to check if you have all the tasks you must have. Remember that you should have three writings: the high adventure, the interview with "have you ever...?" structure (10 questions) and the new one talking about your favourite book (100 words).

You must also correct the mistakes you made and I underlined for you. You just has to see what kind of mistakes are correct them below your writing.

For example, if you see someting like this: "I can go to your house?". You will see that this is an order mistake, so you will have to correct bellow the composition and write: CAN I go to your house?.
I remind you, the kinds of mistakes are:
G: grammar
S: spelling
T: tense (you have used a wrong tense)
O: order
?: not understand what you mean.

Before ending, I want you to know how I will assess your notebook. Here you have the rubric I am going to use for that:





- It contains all the tasks and class notes.
- It has all the tasks and some class notes.
- It has some notes and some class notes.
- Care sequencing.
- Marks the different parts (title, themes…).
- Respects margins.
- No smudgles.
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.
- Expresses correctly.
- Meets spelling rules.
- Responds exactly to what is asked.
- His/her handwriting is legible and neat
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.
- The notebook has a clear, orderly structure in each task.
- It is nice to see.
- Without reading the contents, it is seen that effort has been put in the presentation.
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.

I hope it will help you with this aspect. Pay attention to your notebook, if you make the effort it will be a usefull tool for you.

Have a lovely long weekend! See you on Monday!!

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

Spanish landscapes

Hello everyone,

As we have talked about in class, there are different landscape in Spain, here you have the scheme with their main characteristics to distinguish them:

And if you want to talke a look to the ppt presentation we saw in class, just clik on this link: Spansih landscapes.

Remember that I will ask you to guess the kind of landscapes of a picture as well as the reasons makes you think that.

sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Maps to review geography

If you want to study geography, here you have the links to work with your computer/tablet:

Spanish relief
Spanish rivers
Autonomous Communities

European relief
European rivers (you don't have to learn the tributaries of the Danube river)
European countries
European capitals (remember this is not compulsory)

Take your time, it is a lot of information and you should study slowly.

Have a great weekend!

martes, 3 de octubre de 2017


Dear students,

Welcome to our blog, here I will talk to you and your families about what we are going to work in class and to help you with your study and review at home. I hope you find this tool as a useful way to communicate and to be updated about our lessons.

I will also put different internet resources in order to make your learning more interesting.

I feel so happy to spend all this year with you. It is going to be a great!
