jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

English notebook_ writings and rubric

Dear students,

I just remind you that next Monday I will collect your notebooks to check if you have all the tasks you must have. Remember that you should have three writings: the high adventure, the interview with "have you ever...?" structure (10 questions) and the new one talking about your favourite book (100 words).

You must also correct the mistakes you made and I underlined for you. You just has to see what kind of mistakes are correct them below your writing.

For example, if you see someting like this: "I can go to your house?". You will see that this is an order mistake, so you will have to correct bellow the composition and write: CAN I go to your house?.
I remind you, the kinds of mistakes are:
G: grammar
S: spelling
T: tense (you have used a wrong tense)
O: order
?: not understand what you mean.

Before ending, I want you to know how I will assess your notebook. Here you have the rubric I am going to use for that:





- It contains all the tasks and class notes.
- It has all the tasks and some class notes.
- It has some notes and some class notes.
- Care sequencing.
- Marks the different parts (title, themes…).
- Respects margins.
- No smudgles.
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.
- Expresses correctly.
- Meets spelling rules.
- Responds exactly to what is asked.
- His/her handwriting is legible and neat
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.
- The notebook has a clear, orderly structure in each task.
- It is nice to see.
- Without reading the contents, it is seen that effort has been put in the presentation.
- Follows the preceding aspects except one.
- Just follows one or two aspects.

I hope it will help you with this aspect. Pay attention to your notebook, if you make the effort it will be a usefull tool for you.

Have a lovely long weekend! See you on Monday!!

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