lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018


Hello again!!

This post is just to remind you some things:

- ON FRIDAY: You have to deliver the experiment notebook. Remember that it will be a great part of your final mark. Here is the link of the scientific method if you need some pages: Scientific method

- ON WEDNESDAY: we'llwe'll started with the rehearsals of the play. If your character appears in the scene 1 or 2, STUDY!!
All of you have a copy of the script, just in case you leave it at school, here you have the link: SCRIPT OF "CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY"

We need the Oompa Loompas learn the songs of the play, as well as the dances. Here you have the lyrics and the youtube video to learn everything:


Lyrics of the Oompa Loompas' song

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