viernes, 6 de abril de 2018


Hello everyone!

Marga told us that could be a good idea if you bring your DNI the day before the speaking test, to be sure you do not forget it. That is next Tuesday 10th April. And I agree with her, I'll collect them that day.

I've been talking to Adam and Hendrik and both think that you are more than prepared, so calm down, it's just to show someone else what you already know.

I've given you some photocopies to practice during the weekend. Here you have more materials that can be useful too.

- KET tips
- KET practice

More things. Remember that the speaking test will take place at 12.30-14.00. So everyone who is taking the exam will have lunch at school. You can bring your food or ask for a ticket in secretary.

As the test will be late, BRING SOMETHING TO EAT AT BREAK TIME, you are allowed to bring a sandwidch or something like that because you will have lunch later than usually and you need to feel good and strong for the test.

Enjoy your weekend!!!

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