domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017


Hello everyone! How was your weekend? I hope you enjoyed it. This post is to tell you the homework for this week:

FOR WEDNESDAY: As I told you, you have to make a comic strip about Thanksgiving Day. You need to paint at lesast eight vignettes.

FOR FRIDAY: As usually, we have a dictation. Please prepare it, it is not long and I think it's easier than last week.

 Last week I ate late because I had many things to do. I had eight basketball matches during the week, so I had to eat after them. If I ate before the match, it could have been painful. Eating before doing any sport can be dangerus for our digestion. I had to have complete breakfast to not feel weak during the matches and have strenght enough. It was a hard week, but the best thing wasn't that I won. What I really liked from the week is that I spent all the time with my friends and we have a great time all together. We have to repeat this plan soon.

See you tomorrow!!

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