viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

English resources

Hi everyone!

As I told you last Thursday, here you have some websites to keep practicing your English. In some of them you need to register, first ask your parents if they agree to do it.




KET and PET resources

Dear students,

Here you have some websites where you can practice your English for the Cambridge exam you have next week.



LISTENING (playlist with all the different parts of the listening test)


READING AND WRITING (on the right side there is a list of the different parts of this exam so you can practice them all) (on the right side there is a list of the different parts of this exam so you can practice them all)

COMPLETE EXAM (you can do the first exercises of each part that are free)



LISTENING (playlist with all the different parts of the listening test)


READING AND WRITING (on the right side there is a list of the different parts of this exam so you can practice them all) (just reading part) (just writing part)

COMPLETE EXAM (you can do the first exercises of each part that are free)

Spain and te European Union

This week we've been working on the Spanish organization and the European Union. If you want to review this contents, you can use our presentation.

If you want to download them, you can use this links:

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2018

Cantania is canceled

I'm sorry, Maria has sent me this message for you from Cantania organization:

Os escribo para notificaros, con todo mi pesar, que el proyecto Ven a Cantar con Una Orquesta 2018 / Ubuntu! no puede seguir adelante este curso. La fuerza de los hechos es más poderosa que nuestro deseo de sacarlo adelante. 30 colegios de la ciudad de Madrid habéis trabajado durante el curso y hasta hoy en el proyecto, más de 35 profesores, 1500 niños. Y ahora tendréis que dejar vuestro trabajo en dique seco.
El fin comenzó a escribirse el 22 de febrero cuando nos quedamos de nuevo sin teatro. Aunque hemos encontrado una alternativa,  es ya tarde.
Tampoco ha habido suerte con la financiación. No ha sido posible.
Y el tiempo para producir este proyecto y trabajar en los colegios se ha agotado. Hemos traspasado todos los plazos deseando que este proyecto volviera a hacerse realidad para todos, como el año pasado, agotando todas las vías. Ahora es momento de asimilar que ya no hay salida. Es preferible ahora el jarro de agua fría, la desilusión y la frustración, sobre todo de los profesores, centros y las familias, que son ante quienes más me siento responsable.
Deberíamos lamentar la pérdida de esta oportunidad. No sólo vuestros colegios, vuestras clases pierden un bonito sueño, la ciudad de Madrid pierde un proyecto cultural, social y de ciudadanía que está implantándose en toda Europa y Latinoamérica. Un proyecto que crece y ya se hace en  22 ciudades de toda Europa, con más de 50.000 niños participando en estos proyectos y no se pueda hacer en la capital de España. Merece una reflexión.
Detrás queda mucho trabajo durante más de dos años y una inversión en tiempo, recursos y dinero importantísima por parte de la Orquesta Carlos III. Vamos a tener que asumir pérdidas considerables y pasar un periodo difícil.
Particularmente, he invertido dos años de tiempo, ilusión y esfuerzo continuado en un proyecto que lo merecía. Lo he convertido en una de mis prioridades, dejando de lado muchas otras cosas. Siento impotencia y frustración mientras os escribo estas líneas.
A veces hay que parar para empezar a andar de nuevo con más fuerza. Se me han ofrecido en estos días posibilidades y recursos para el próximo curso y a su debido momento las  estudiaré, pero sólo son aceptables las soluciones que puedan garantizar el espacio y el dinero antes de empezar. Ni vosotros, profesores, ni nosotros, orquesta, nos podemos permitir esta inseguridad. Os mantendré informados.
Estoy a vuestra disposición para atenderos en todo  lo que queráis. 
Un abrazo.

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018


As I told you, you can access to the Cantania's materials from this blog. I've put a link on the left column.

Here you have Maria's message:

Queridos padres, por fin empezamos con Cantania. Perdonad la tardanza, pero han tenido complicaciones para financiar el proyecto.
En clase de música explicaremos cual es el proceso para utilizar el material de las distintas carpetas.
Durante Semana Santa sería conveniente escuchar las canciones siguiendo a la vez la partitura completa ( la escrita para piano, coros y solistas).  No hace falta que las canten porque aún no se ha decidido qué coro somos cada colegio ( coro 1, 2 ó 3).
Es importante que ellos distingan las partes solistas ( en las que NOSOTROS NO CANTAMOS) , las partes de coro ( cantamos EL CORO QUE SE NOS ASIGNE) y las partes que sólo interpreta el piano.
Muchísimas gracias
Un saludo

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018


Hello again,
María, your music teacher, has asked me to open a page in our blog so you can access the material from Cantania.
Through this link: CANTANIA you will access a folder with all the material of this project. I look forward to seeing the result!

HOMEWORK FOR NEXT WEEK (19th-22nd March)

Good afternoon,

Here you have the homework for next week. Please, organize your time and do all of them.

- FOR MONDAY: Study the 30 first verb of our list: IRREGULAR VERBS

- FOR WEDNESDAY: I hope it doesn't rain and that we go out for our "Madrid in the 19th century tour". Let's see if the forecast is good, becasue today they didn't guess right. So study your part to present it to your classmates. In this link you can see the documents you wrote: MADRID 19th CENTURY TOUR

- FOR THURSDAY: As we have the exams on the 24th and 27th of April, you have to work on your writings.
  • KET students: you have to do two writings I gave you today.
  • PET students: you have to do the Questions 7, 8 and 9 of the test you were taking. Use the aswer sheet and another sheet to do all of them.
Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!!

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018


As some of you asked me to but the activity on the blog, here you have the article. Remember, you have to make a comic with the information of the article that is written in reported speech. You have to paint seven cartoons, one for each paragraph.

Astronaut is abandoned on the cruel planet of Mercury! Will he survive the scorching heat and freezing nights?

Lara Esterhuizen reporting

As the S25Q orbits close to Mercury, Astronaut Max left the spaceship for his first spacewalk to have closer view of Mercury. He described that his view of Mercury was great!

It was -360 o F on Mercury even though he was close to the Sun. He though it was a good idea to go at night, but it was really cold. He phoned to Earth and said he was going to run some test in that moment and he would report soon. His boss answered him he was doing a good job, he should run some tests before sun went up.

At daybreak it was 800 o F in the S25Q. Max called the S25Q to ungently pick him up because he couldn’t stand that heat.

But the answer he received was that the S25Q needed repairs since the last visit to Mercury and was not capable of rescuing him. They were working quickly to fix everything and go to pick him up. Max’s informed them that his oxygen was running low, he was using his last oxygen and it was almost empty. We wouldn’t survive another day if S25Q didn’t return soon.

He didn’t receive good news; the sun had damaged the S25Q severely. But they would figure out a solution. But Max just could think he would be dead, he just had to adjust his oxygen so it would last longer.

When everybody though that all helps had run out and Max was saying goodbye to the Universe he blacked out.

Suddenly, Max woke up in a hospital and asked a doctor about where he was and if that place was the heaven. He even asked her if he was dead. The nice doctor greeted him and asked him about how he felt. Then she explained him that the had been rescued by the F30B. Max had to stay in the hospital from severe burns, dehydration and lack of oxygen, but doctor said Max would made a good recovery.

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018



On Monday I'll collect all your English notebooks to assess them. Check you have all the writings and other activites and CORRECT all your mistakes!!

See you on Monday!

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

To work on the 1st and 2nd conditional and the passive voice

Good morning,

You have many videos and resources to work on the contents of Enghlish we have practice with during this term. I just have to present you some website to practice the passive voice and the 1st and second conditional.



Vídeos of the 19th century

Dear students,

I'm happy to show you the videos you made this week about the 19th century. I'm sure they will help you to review and understand better what we talked about. You did a nice job!

Enjoy them!!

(*RIOT, not raids)

(*SUPPORT, not sport)

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

To review the exam about the 19th century


As I told you, here you have the presentation to help you to study. Remember that the 30% of the mark will come from a multiple choice questions and the other 70% will come from an open question test.


jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018

To review the reported speech


I've found some websites where you can practise the reported speech:

NEXT WEEK (5th-9th March)

Good afternoon!

As next week you'll have many exams, you won't have homework. Just review and study everything.

About my subjects' tests. I've made some changes:

- MONDAY: History
- TUESDAY: Grammar and Speaking
- WEDNESDAY: Listening
- FRIDAY: Reading comprehension and writing

About the English grammar, you should review:
- Reported speech
- Passive voice
- Time
- 1st and 2nd conditionals

Study and review all our presentations, activities, videos and the language reference book. Aslo be attentive to the blog and check it frequently because I will put some resources to help you review.